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Minions of Eiler Unite!

Queen Elizabath II vs. Colonization vs. the Domination of Eiler

The Domination of Eiler is unabashedly in favor of world domination. (That's its whole point.) It has unwittingly built this upon colonization. Its predecessor entity, the Holy Roman Empire, essentially tried to colonize eastern Europe. Of course, that empire's successors overran the world. But please note the Domination's pride color in the flag is black, as it now overruns a white world.

In the modern day, the Dominator now sits with his back facing the Pacific Ocean, on land originally owned by the Coast Salish tribes (probably the Snohomish and/or Tulalip tribes). Churches and theatres now increasingly acknowledge whose lands our ancestors colonized. So does the Domination of Eiler.

- No one specifically asked the tribes whether anyone other than them should build apartments here. The Tulalip tribe has built fine rooms for its own visitors, of course. The Dominator's own kin have overwhelmingly done likewise, without even counting "slum" rooms which prevail through other parts of this metro area.

- The Domination anticipates the day when national government beneath it will devolve upon the states, and then upon the tribes! There may still be a Dominator acting in a role about as powerful as the Holy Roman Emperor, of course. Depending on how long it takes, and how well the power of succession works. Heh.

Now the Domination regards the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the first consistenly decolonizing monarch of Britain. That is the legacy which she has left for her son, King Charles III.

When the Domination's social media said "decolonizing", respondents absolutely lit up.

"'Decolonizers' merely lost the rebellion wars!" Particularly in Kenya, which was particularly violent... Which, yeah. Try India/Pakistan or Israel/Palestine sometime. Or, err, the United States of America. Britain bungled quite a few liberations, and the world still lives with it. But mostly the British monarchs were not in charge of that, even in the time of the United States.

"If she was nice enough to want to grant all these places independence, why didn't she do it at the start of her reign?"

- The Royal Family are not in charge of the government or its policies. But they do act as diplomats. Queen Elizabeth went to Ireland once, and her Queen Mum went to Kenya. They were well received. That is to say, they did their jobs as diplomats.

- And decolonization worked out fine in Gambia, Sierra Leone, and Ghana in West Africa. Kenya and South Africa were not exactly Britain's problem, but they eventually worked that out for themselves also. That's the job for nations, not for Britain.

Sympathy has come in from other places with former British rule, such as Egypt and Jordan. Even they respect Elizabeth II as a diplomat.

In short, the Domination of Eiler actually supports King Charles III. As it has once before.

The Domination may still show this post upon "friends of friends" - who might react poorly to even the existence of the Domination of Eiler. Maybe open to the public as well! The previous discussions have not been evil, merely inappropriate to a third-party timeline. The only possible problem now is, repercussions upon friends. (As in, "How dare you be his friend??") So, maybe not... or else friends have to let their friends host some separate wab page with their own controversial commentary!

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